Thriving Trade in Counterfeit Pesticides
Pesticides can be produced inexpensively but must be approved in the EU under expensive and complex procedures. This makes the trade in illegal pesticides within the agrochemicals sector attractive. According to the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, more and more counterfeit or banned pesticides are entering the EU. Only this year, Europol has seized around 1,200 metric tons of illegal chemicals as part of the Silver Axe operation.
The majority of non-approved pesticides are manufactured in Asia and are increasingly distributed via online channels. The illegal substances pose incalculable risks for people and the environment. Some of the chemicals used are suspected of causing brain damage, for example. Against this backdrop, reliable product protection is essential. Manufacturers can ensure traceability of their plant protection products and a fully monitored supply chain by looking to reliable product protection.
Image: Hpgruesen (Pixaby)