New White Paper: How Counterfeit-Proof Is Your Product?
Fueled not least by the pandemic and increasing online trade, product piracy is on the rise worldwide. In addition to economic losses amounting to several hundred billion euros per year, this also results in health hazards for consumers due to inferior counterfeit products. In addition, brands and manufacturers often suffer damage to their image.
Against this backdrop, reliable counterfeit protection is becoming increasingly important. But to ensure this, manufacturers and brand owners must first be aware of how well their products are already protected - and where there is still room for improvement. To support them in this first step, we have published a white paper based on our many years of experience. By answering specific questions, the current state of brand protection forof your own product can be determined. In addition, the publication contains information about the features and specific benefits of the different types of safety elements. The white paper can be downloaded free of charge as a PDF file.
Image: Machacekcz (iStock)