More and More Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises are Targeted by Counterfeiters
When it comes to counterfeit products, we usually think of large companies and well-known brands. Because they are indeed often affected, they usually have sophisticated brand and product protection strategies that make it difficult for counterfeiters. The latter are therefore increasingly turning to a new ‘target group’: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). This is the result of a recent study by the Spanish cyber security company Smart Protection. It established that four out of five SMEs have already been victims of counterfeiters. The fashion industry is especially affected. Emerging brands with rapid growth in digital sales, in particular, are increasingly targeted by criminals. This threatens the reputation of companies that have not yet established themselves in the textile market to a great extent. In order to prevent major damage, it is therefore particularly advisable for small and medium-sized enterprises to ensure reliable protection of their branded products at an early stage.
Image: Jirkaf (Pixabay)