Internal servers
24/7 monitoring
Individual reports
App application
Expert support
Our TRUSTCODE® solutions work on any desktop PC, smartphone, or iPad. With just one multi-scan, all product data are collected simultaneously and automatically verified by our software, including the information from the TRUSTSEAL® security hologram, the serial number, and the encrypted QR code on your product.
Our digital security software is based on a cloud-supported database system. This is used to store product information for digital proof of authenticity. The aim is for suppliers, dealers, and the like to be able to verify the authenticity of your goods, digitally and regardless of location.
Another important function is to monitor your supply chain in order to uncover gray market activities and optimize your processes.
We work with in-house servers to ensure the security of your data. The advantages for you are plain to see: 24/7 monitoring, faster problem solving, and in-house experts who can help you with any questions or difficulties you may have.
Our solution is cloud-based – you can synchronize product data worldwide. You can retrieve and analyze data at any time via ERP systems, business analytics applications, or your web browser.